Monday, April 4, 2016


Believe in Yourself Tip #10

Think It! Write It! Say It! Do It!

As soon as you get an idea or inspiration to do something act on it immediately! Once you think it, write it down, tell someone and take immediate action towards making it happen! Don't give yourself time to overthink and evaluate it's possibility. Believing in yourself is nothing without action!


Monday, March 21, 2016

Just Do It!

Believe in Yourself Tip #9

Do what you say you are going to do! It sounds easy, but how many times have you said that you were going to do something but then continue to let yourself down by not actually doing what you said you would do? You are not alone! This habit is very common.

Now is the time to change things up. Now is the time for you to actually do what you say you're going to do.

1. Tell someone what you are going to do (a coach, a spouse, a friend)
2. Put it on your calendar to schedule time to actually do it
3. Do the task when it's scheduled
4. Recognize how good it feels
5. Repeat

You will build confidence and trust in yourself by actually doing what you say you are going to do. I promise it works!


Monday, March 14, 2016

Fuel Your Body Properly

Believe in Yourself Tip #8

When you eat well, you can think well. Your brain requires proper nutrients and fluids so that it can function properly.

If you feel as if your thinking is foggy, choose to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and notice the change in your energy. The closer food is to it's natural state, the more nutritious and energetic it is.

All the cells in your body are made from the food you eat, including brain cells. For more information refer to the book "You Are What You Eat" by Gillian McKeith . Click here to review 


Monday, March 7, 2016

Question Yourself

Believe in Yourself Tip #7

Don't believe everything you think!!

When you begin to experience self-doubt, stop in the moment and ask yourself:

"Where did that come from?"   Or  "Why am I feeling this way?"

This will teach you to recognize your negative self-talk and will provide you with an opportunity to reinforce your mantra from last week! 


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Create A Mantra

Believe in Yourself Tip #6

Develop a mantra or affirmation that MOTIVATES and EMPOWERS you. Use this statement when you're feeling stressed, overwhelmed or defeated.


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Breathe and Smile!

Believe in Yourself Tip #5

When you feel overwhelmed or stressed give yourself 60 seconds to do the following:

1. Stop and find a place where you can be alone
2. Take 5 deep breaths
3. Smile for 30 Seconds
4. Go back and reevaluate the situation


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Take Action!

Believe in Yourself Tip #4

The saying I've heard for years is: "Knowledge is power." However Darren Hardy shared something very interesting. He said that we have it all wrong. Darren shared that in reality "knowledge put into ACTION is power." 

The more I thought about it, the more I realized he was right! You can know something but, if you don't act on the knowledge, then there is no power.

Your tip for this week is about taking action on the knowledge that you gain. (Compliments of Darren Hardy)

1. Read a self-development book or re-read one of your favorites
2. Outline the tips/tricks/suggestions from the book
3. Write down how you are going to implement those tips/tricks/suggestions in your life
4. Take action and implement your new knowledge!

BONUS!  The next day you can use this list to stay on track and make adjustments as needed.


Sunday, January 31, 2016

Stay Focused

Believe in Yourself Tip #3

Do you ever find that you can't seem to focus on what needs to get done for the day? Maybe you are easily distracted by Facebook or Email and by the end of the day you feel like you didn't get anything done. Try this one day experiment:

1. Set a timer for 15 minutes and the night before your "one day" make a list                everything you need to get done the following day.
2. Go back through the list and write down how long it will take you to get each            task done.
3. Evaluate if you realistically have enough time to do everything you want to do.

        a. If it's not realistic, remove items from the list and push low priority tasks to              the next day.
       b. When the time works with your schedule go into the next day with                           confidence knowing that you have the time to get everything done.

BONUS!  The next day you can use this list to stay on track and make adjustments as needed.


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Remind Yourself

Believe in Yourself Tip #2

Spend 15 minutes a day reminding yourself  of your goals and why they are important to you. Regularly connecting to why you're doing what you're doing helps you maintain focus and motivation to make your dreams a reality.

To increase the power of this action do the following:

1. Write down your goal in present tense starting with "I am.."
2. Write down why it's important to you.
3. Visualize yourself doing what it takes to reach your goal.


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Do One Thing

Believe in Yourself Tip #1

When you feel like you can't focus or you feel like you aren't getting anything done, come up with just ONE thing to accomplish by the end of the day. 

1. Be sure this task is something that moves you forward toward your goal(s)
2. Write down the task on a to-do list
3. Complete the task
4. Give yourself credit for completing the task